

Moss has a shallow root system which keeps moisture trapped within your roof for extended periods of time. During this time the moisture begins to cause wood rot and your shingles begin to erode. Scheduling a roof cleaning will help you avoid permanent damage caused by roof moss.

Why It Needs To Be Done

Lichens are a composite organism of fungi and algae growing together in symbiosis that will appear green, or gray like and sometimes even yellow that form on roofs from eating away at the organic matter the shingle is manufactured with. They work together to spread throughout the roofs surface. Shaded areas and dampness will speed up the growth process. These organism will form its root and embed itself within the shingle and causing roof stains.

Roof stains caused by algae are most common in heavily shaded areas. This is usually the northern and western surfaces on your roof. And just like moss, moisture accelerates it’s growth. As the algae grows, it begins to spread throughout the roofs surface area feeding away at the organic material. Humid Vermont summers have created a great environment for roof algae to spread quickly.

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